Top 5 Marihuana Legalization Issues
Marihuana is one of the most controversial plants on the globe. Its legalization is supported by various celebrities, sports stars, and public figures. However, it seems that we are still very far from achieving the complete legalization of the plant.
1. Marihuana legalization will usher in America's new version of ''Big Tobacco''.
- The private holding groups and financiers have raised millions of start-up dollars to promote a business that will sell marihuana and related merch.
- Cannabis food and candy are being marketed to children and are already responsible for a growing number of marijuana-related ER visits. The edibles that come with a name like 'Pot Rock' and 'Pot Tarts' are inspired by common children's candy.
- Many profitable vending machines containing products such as marihuana brownies are emerging throughout the country.
2. Marihuana consumption will increase under legalization.
- Because it's accessible and available, our legal drugs are used far more than our illegal ones. As per recent surveys, alcohol use is used by 52% of Americans, and tobacco is used by 27% of Americans.
- When RAND researchers analyzed California's 2010 efforts to legalize marihuana, they witnessed that the price of the drug could plummet and therefore increasing its consumption.
3. Marihuana is harmful to teenagers
- Marihuana contributed to psychosis and other mental health conditions. Additionally, 1 in 6 kids who ever use it once faces a change of reduced IQ.
- According to the data from the 2012 National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance abuse, alcohol and cigarettes were the most accessible substances for youth 12 to 17 years of age.
4. Today's Marihuana is NOT your Woodstock weed
- Back in the 1960s and '70s, the THC Level of the marihuana smoked by baby boomers averaged around 1% increasing to just under 4% in 1983 and almost tripled in the subsequent 30 years to around 11% in 2011.
5. Marijuana Legalization will increase the public cost
- For every $1 in alcohol and tobacco tax revenue, society loses $10 in social costs, from accidents to health damage. The lottery and other forms of gambling have not solved any budget problems, either.
- A couple of people are currently in prison for marihuana possession. And, current alcohol arrest rates are over three times higher than marijuana arrest rates.
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